During the sync process the Microsoft platform may return and error condition. If this occurs the Sync Now button will show Sync Failure and display in red.
Review the log and the following error conditions and their possible causes.
Message | Likely cause |
Management object not found for identity | That typically occurs if the users have only recently been given licences in Office 365 and Microsoft is still setting them up behind the scenes. In the Office 365 admin portal they currently advise this can take 24 hours and have a link to click to see the Teams provisioning status of users. Wait and try again later. |
Cannot find specified Gateway | Review this article: https://callto365.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011807997 Wait and try again later. |
Cannot modify the parameter: "EnterpriseVoiceEnabled" because it is restricted for the user service plan: MCOProfessional | This means the Sync process sees the user has a Phone System licence in one of Microsoft's systems, but this has not been propagated to the Microsoft subsystem responsible for voice yet. "MCOEV" is the Phone System plan, and if this is not listed in the error message then the Skype for Business PowerShell server does not see it yet. Wait and try again later. |
Cannot find specified Online PSTN usage "CallTo3665-XXX". | This message can occur when the tenant is setup and there are no licences users to sync with the phone system. Licence some users and re-try. The issue also can be caused by the Microsoft platform not being updated in time for the check, in this case wait and try again later. |
PSERROR> Failed to start remote PowerShell -or- Unexpected PS Runspace is null |
Most likely cause is not being logged in as Global Admin when running sync.. Look into the logs further for messages like "No cmdlets have been authorized for use by the RBAC role that the user belongs to" to confirm this. Also at the top of the log the admin role will be detailed. If this reads something like "Connected as 'tom@greenbackhealth.com' with roles: User Account Administrator" then this is clear that the logged-in user is not Company Administrator, which is the required role. |
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